Just Remember......

Happy people are beautiful. Happiness is like a mirror of the soul that reflects ones beauty inside out….

Tuesday, May 15, 2012

My Angel in May

A few years back, the same date as today, God sent me an angel and named him Francis. That was my happiest day; the day my son saw the light in this world. Being given the responsibility to be a vessel of creating another life is the most wonderful miracle that happened to me. The beauty of being a mother made me a complete woman. Today, my son is 15 years old; time passes by so quickly, I missed a lot of time away from him. But looking back and feeling sorry for all the moments away from him will not make our life any better, but cherishing our time together and spending it as best as we can is better. I am so grateful to God for all the blessings in our life especially for keeping my son safe and healthy, for giving me a wonderful son that every mother can dream of. Happy birthday, sweetheart, you're our Angel in May and all the days since you were given to us. 

Springtime is a universal growth, a season to celebrate motherhood; a reason May is dedicated to Mary, Our Blessed Mother who willingly accepts the role of motherhood to humanity. I am happy as wife and mother; like Mary, I willingly accepts and fulfill my responsibility of being a mother.

Here's another poem in honor to Our Lady of May:


May is Mary's month, and I 
Muse at that and wonder why: 
Her feasts follow reason, 
Dated due to season-

Candlemas, Lady Day: 
But the Lady Month, May, 
Why fasten that upon her, 
With a feasting in her honor? 
Ask of her, the mighty mother: 
Her reply puts this other 
Question: What is Spring? 
Growth in every thing-

All things rising, all things sizing 
Mary sees, sympathizing 
With that world of good, 
Nature's motherhood.

Well but there was more than this: 
Spring's universal bliss 
Much, had much to say 
To offering Mary May.

Poem source: The Magnificat

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