Just Remember......

Happy people are beautiful. Happiness is like a mirror of the soul that reflects ones beauty inside out….

Wednesday, July 4, 2012

Be Your Own Beautiful Self

If you could switch brains with anyone in the world, who would it be?... this question of my mentor  Jomar Hilario  made me remember a brainy fun discussion that became emotional, with my family last Christmas morning. My son said “Nicola Tesla as long as I am not 30 years old.” My husband asked why; my son’s answer because: “Towards the end of his life in the 1930s, Tesla became reclusive, living alone in a New York City hotel room and only appearing occasionally to make unusual statements to the press. Because of his pronouncements and the nature of his work over the years Tesla gained a reputation in popular culture as the archetypal "mad scientist". AND he died penniless and in debt sometime in January, 1943.” I asked,”How did you know that?” his answer: WIKIPEDIA.COM; MOM… oooh☺; fun! Isn’t it?

My turn to answer the question: If you could switch brains with anyone in the world, who would it be? ... My answer; “no one…I am content with who I am.” My husband said…you big brain, conceited, brat… we all laughed at my husband’s reaction. But then I said; “definitely not, because if I could switch brain with anyone, then I wouldn’t be here with you, you will not be my husband (pointing at my husband) and you’re not my son (pointing at my son)… long silence…

Yes, it’s true I am content with who I am, with what I have, I wouldn’t switch brain with anyone even just one single breath of my life, because doing so means that they (my family now) wouldn’t be here with me. I would probably have another beautiful family as I have now, but it wouldn’t be the same as it is now. I am capable and can adapt change easily, as long as my family, the loves of my life are with me. We must remember that "by being yourself, you put something wonderful in the world that was not there before"...

But look at facebook comments of some members of the Jomar Hilario Mastery Group ; I think I am the only one who answered such...

Am I that different to most people? Am I that proud or conceited with who am I? I think not. I think, I am just happy to be me and content with who I am; I am proud and happy, the way God created me. My beautiful life is  what GOD gave me, I accept it with my whole being, I am grateful with who I am, with what I have. If I am different, then let it be, as long as I am my own beautiful self; but then again everybody is different, everyone has its own identity, don't you think?

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