Just Remember......

Happy people are beautiful. Happiness is like a mirror of the soul that reflects ones beauty inside out….

Friday, June 1, 2012

Goodbye and Hello Rainy Sunshine

Hello month of love and wedding! Goodbye May sunshine and summer season.

I don' know about you but time is not only flying when I am having fun! It's also levitating and invigorating...
But soon enough the kids will be at school; fun season is over since summer is over and rainy season is around the corner. Ask the kids how that goes. Yes, here we are halfway through this beautiful year landing smack in the middle of a very lovable month. Poetry month is over, summer sky is fading but we should also embrace the fulfillment of the promise made by months gone by; the promise of love and fruitful weddings bursting all over the country. Let's enjoy the song that Junes sings to itself, it will likely be a beautiful music to our ears...

Aah, it's really over, first half of the year has come and my unfolding projects and plans still rolling along. Much love and lots of thanks to all those who supports me for this project.

I hope that you had a beautiful sunny summer drenched in lots and lots of love. And let's all welcome the wet season with much gratitude in our heart for rain is a blessing as much as the sunshine...

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