Just Remember......

Happy people are beautiful. Happiness is like a mirror of the soul that reflects ones beauty inside out….

Saturday, May 26, 2012

Count Your Blessings

God gave you 86,400 seconds today, did you use one to say thank you? I hope you did! Before you fall asleep, reflect on the day and identify 5 things you are grateful for. Gratitude makes us happier and more beautiful inside out! We must always remember that gratitude is the best attitude, however small that blessing given to us; don't forget to say "thank you!" ☺
My first blessing for today:  I am grateful for having accomplished another obligation to my son; he just had the sacrament of confirmation! Yey! ☺ My husband and I consider this a blessing in our family because in a way, we are blessed to have a son who is willingly accepting and practicing the faith we already have.
Second blessing for today:  I met Riza and Dennis; they are our neighbors and acquaintance not really a close friend but when we asked them to become our son's sponsor, they were so happy to accept it, I felt that with Riza's reaction...if this is not something to be grateful for, then what is?
Third blessing for today: All five of us had a great meal and were happy to be together, joined as parents to our son.
Fourth blessing for today: Grateful that I am with my family to witness this important event in my son's life as a christian. I am happy to have found new friends who will be helping us to guide our son along the way.
Fifth blessing for today: I am happy to be able to share this blessings to everyone reading this blog. And here's a song that I am sure will lift up your spirit while listening to it!

***If these 5 blessings I counted for today plus all the other blessings that is not listed here, is not something to be grateful for today and the next, then what is?***

When upon life's billows
You are tempest tossed
When you are discouraged,
Thinking all is lost
Count your many blessings,
Name them one by one
And it will suprise you 
What the Lord has done

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